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What is Microblading?

Also first known as eyebrow embroidery, is a semi-permanent makeup procedure that dramatically corrects or fully construct/reconstruct lost eyebrow hairs. It looks so real, it is often referred to as 3D or hairstroke tattoo.  It can help define, shape, and create fullness in the eyebrow area. Microblading is performed by manually depositing pigment under the top layer of the skin by a special pen with a one-time use sterile needle. It does not involve use of any machine. Unlike permanent makeup brow treatment, Microblading technique involves drawing individual, crisp hair strokes that are more natural looking. The blade of microblading pen is 3 times thinner than the needles used for tattooing and does not go as deeply into the skin. Therefore, the pain is considerably less and the results are semi-permanent.​  Microblading pigments are designed to gently fade over time. Fading is desired as it allows the artist to make changes to color and shape over the years as client’s natural coloration and facial changes occur. Results can stay up to 2.5 years, but can vary depending on skin type (melanin), age, sun exposure, and products used on your face. Retouching is common and should be expected. Color of eyebrow pigment is all dependent upon your skintone and hair color and roots. We have multiple tones and pigments to choose from. Rarely will you see the same eyebrow on each of my clients. I customize and shape an eyebrow that is designed for your unique features and personal desires. Technical microblading skills can be taught in school, but knowing the changes to make, to bring about balance and harmony to a face, can't be taught. It is intuition. This is what separates an Artist from just a microblader. 

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